
Beautiful Photos of the Florida Scrub

As I kept seeing beautiful photos of the Florida Scrub, I knew I wanted to return to the Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek Preserve State Park. Luckily the skies were overcast as I turned into the parking lot at 8:45 am. A white pickup truck turned in after me. Both of us expressed surprise at five vehicles in the parking lot of this rarely used park. We started on the trail at the same time, soon headed in different directions. He ran up the sandy hill as I trudged along my flat, deep sand trail.

Inspiration for my Walk

Where did I see the beautiful photos of the Florida Scrub? They are on Instagram, posted by my writer friend, Dorothy L. Harris, known affectionately as the #FlaNatureNerd. She is a talented writer and photographer.

What’s a Florida Scrub? It’s the oldest plant community in Florida and consists of mostly shrubs along with stunted oak trees growing in white sand. Both Dorothy and I live along the Lake Wales Ridge, remnants of ancient sand dunes when the seas were 100 feet higher than today. The long isolation of this area led to the evolution of many plants found no where else in the world.

Atlantic St. John’s wort

These plants evolved to survive the harsh environment of the Florida Scrub with adaptations to avoid being eaten like the thorns on the sensitive briar in the image above. Also many plants have waxy, curved or stout leaves, which reduce dehydration.

People are Not Adapted to Florida Scrub

As I started my early morning walk, I had on long pants and a long-sleeved white shirt over a tank top. The sky was overcast, so I wasn’t worried about protecting my head. I did carry a full water bottle. Twenty-four ounces of water is heavy, but I was glad I had it when my 30-minute walk turned into nearly an hour.

My head was turned downward, looking for animal tracks on the road and I missed the signpost, “Restricted Area”. When I noticed a large maintenance shed, I realized I made a wrong turn. Darn it! Now I have to backtrack and will be late for my weight-lifting workout with my trainer.

Zebra swallowtail “puddling”

No one in sight as I slinked back out the restricted road. In contrast, a zebra swallowtail butterfly with white stripes played with me, tempting me to try and get a photograph of his erratic flight. Suddenly, he rested on the damp sand to absorb minerals from the earth, known as “puddling”. I had my photo opportunity.

Soon I was back on the trail, where I went to the left instead of the right. Less than ten minutes later I arrived at the parking lot.

An Unexpected Turn of Events

As I entered the parking lot, I saw the young man in the white pickup, Brandon, finishing a phone call. He seemed agitated. He had found three teenagers who also made wrong turns and spent the night in the scrub without sufficient water. One was so dehydrated, he didn’t have the strength to sit up. Luckily, Brandon, a paramedic, coordinated a rescue plan as I returned to my car.

Closing Thoughts

Although I was enjoying taking beautiful photos of the Florida Scrub, unknown to me, there were others fearful for their lives, lost in the wilderness.

Thank you, Brandon!

Brandon and I each listened to our intuition on the directions we took that morning. His intuition sent him on the difficult route, running straight up a deep sand hill, bringing him to the aid of those who desperately needed him.


My lack of attention brought me to a sought after butterfly and delayed my return to witness the heroism and caring we all desperately want to see.

Stay safe,

Five Days into a 10-day Detox

As of today, Friday, I’m five days into a 10-day detox. There have been some revelations and amazing health improvements already.

My Why and Resulting Goals

When I started my 10-day detox, I answered this question.

Why am I doing this detox?

    1. I am hoping the change in diet will reduce my joint pain.
    2. It would be nice to lose a few pounds.

I really didn’t think much past that as I was coming into this with a curious mind. But the detox journal also included a goal section where I delved deeper.

What are 3 specific goals I have for these 10 days?

    1. I will adhere to the diet 100%.
    2. I will be open to try new foods.
    3. I will take all the supplements.

Do you find one or all of these goals difficult?

Probably the the #1 goal to adhere to the diet 100% made you mumble, “Good luck with that one!” The second, trying new foods is generally easy for me, but seeds and raw nuts, odd nut butters, kale, arugula.. those didn’t appeal at first. Finally, taking supplements has been something very difficult for me. I would be totally on board with a new health plan, purchasing all the supplements only to throw them away unused. Perhaps I see taking supplements like taking any other pill.

But this time is different. On day 1, the smell of fresh brewed coffee hit me as I walked up the stairs after my 30 minutes on the stationary bike. It smelled good, but didn’t tempt me. If I could avoid a caffeine craving, the rest would be easy.

On this detox, there are recipes for the breakfast shakes, soups for lunch, and a choice between easy (core) or adventuresome dinners. Unlike my usual cooking style, it’s core dinners all the way.

I decided I would dive right in and get all the ingredients for the first few days. It’s gone pretty well. Even my mom and husband haven’t complained about the dinners.

There is a journaling component which got me thinking. Why am I able to meet my goals (so far) this time and not in the past?

The Value of Small Steps

I’ll agree that a detox is NOT a small step.

In contrast, I had been taking many small steps in my personal growth for months; finding the confidence to take an airboat ride,  setting monthly intentions and goals , taking small steps for a year with a fitness trainer, meditating daily, finding joy in my finances, and booking hypnotherapy sessions.

Seems like, these small steps since the start of 2020 have led me here.

Lots of Tracking

Do you dread getting on the scale when you are on a diet?

With this detox, I’m actually excited about my morning scale check-in. Furthermore, I look forward to measuring my waist, hips, and thighs along with taking my blood pressure daily.

Drum roll please…

  • 6.5 pounds have left my body
  • A total of 3.75 inches are gone
  • My blood pressure went from 156/94 to 121/79

Big Disclaimer: Certainly, I have never had results like this from other detox diets and the book, The Blood Sugar Solution 10 Day Detox Diet, doesn’t talk about results anywhere near mine even after ten days.

Once again, I come back to those many small steps over the last year. Perhaps they setup my whole system for this amazing response to a detox.

What’s the Revelation?

Evidently, I was using alcohol, sugar, and caffeine to pump up my mood, distracting me from what I was really feeling. As the toxins left my body during the first three days, I exhibited irritability, impatience, lethargy, teary eyes, and feeling worn out!

Even today I don’t feel like my old self. Rather, five days into a 10-day detox, I feel better than I have in years.

The photo is the dinner from Day 1 – Grilled Salmon with Onions over greens. I’d love to hear your comments below or you can follow my progress on my Facebook page, Best Health Dawning.


3 Steps to Finding Joy in Your Financial Picture

Do you think finding joy in your financial picture is impossible? First, it seems boring. Second, it might seem bleak. Rather, curiosity about joy and financial thoughts in the same picture can urge you toward new discoveries about your own finances.

Traditionally, we are told to make money through work, save it and that will make you happy. What if we turn that upside down?

  • Be happy about money
  • Do some incremental task to increase that joy
  • Continue the small steps
  • Arrive at a financial situation of making more than you spend

The Three Steps

  1. Start with the emotion of joy.
  2. Create your own definition of a rich life.
  3. Have a clear, honest understanding of your cash flow that is based on what brings you joy.

Examples of the 3 Steps

Real Life Scenario: I’d accomplished very little tallying up my deductions for the previous year. What small step can I do to make this easier for next year? And how can I have a clearer picture of what I am spending?

  1. Since I like beautiful things, I invested in Cavallini file folders. Just looking at these folders makes me smile. My folder “Current Tax Year” is front and center. I place all receipts that could be tax deductible along with tax forms for income as they come in.
  2. If you were given $10 million and told you had 10 years left to live, what would you stop doing and what would you start doing? This is your rich life!
  3. Now to the nuts and bolts… For at least one day, write down everything you spend, cash transactions, notices of bills paid, etc. Think of it as a financial diary, similar to a food diary. If you can do a week or a month, even better. Take a highlighter in a color you love, and highlight everything that doesn’t make you smile.
      1. Cell phone – can I negotiate a better price for this?
      2. The automatic monthly payment to that you forgot about and don’t use
      3. House mortgage – the kids are out of the house. Is it time to downsize?

Dig a Little Deeper

How do you define joy around financial tracking? Perhaps it involves one of these ideas.

  • Writing in a cheerful journal
  • Using bright colors for cell shading in Excel
  • Using a beautiful pen
  • Selecting a colorful ink like purple

Exploring how you approach record keeping is one small step toward bringing joy into your financial situation.


We all know finances are important. They can bring you joy or pain, if you let them. It’s our choice how we approach our finances. And learning more about our relationship with money may be key for you. Here are some books you might find helpful.

Emotional Currency – by Kate Levinson explores our history with money and how to change how we think about it.

I will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Fachi Is all about using automation to keep on top of bills.

On My Own Two Feet: A Modern Guide to Personal Finance by Manisha Thakor is a must read for everyone who wants to understand how to take care of their money while they are young.

What do YOU Want?

This blog is a brief overview of how you can start to change your relationship with money by taking one step at a time finding joy in your financial picture. Are you interested in knowing more? I’d love to hear from you, either with a comment below or send me an email.
