Don’t You Love the DMV – Part 2

When you first read, “Don’t you love the DMV part 2,” I imagine your response, “Oh Yeah, one of my favorite places to visit!” Perhaps you expected to read my disheartening experience as a former Floridian, trying to become a North Carolina resident. Let’s see how my visit really went.

Two weeks ago I wrote Part 1 of my experience at the DMV. If you missed it, here’s the link.

The Process Begins

As I sat down in the small office area, I appreciated the protection of the large plexiglass that allowed me to easily hear the maskless DMV employee’s questions as we got started.

Things were going well until I requested a Real ID.

“I need a passport or a birth certificate for that,” he said.

“Oh… I thought I had all the documents. Doesn’t a Social Security card suffice along with my old driver’s license?”

He looked again at my documents. “Wait a minute… yes, this will work.”

Everything went along nicely with us sharing little funny stories about our lives. The rapport between us was growing.

And Your Name?

I always like to know the name of people I meet in an official capacity. It seems friendlier and I like to acknowledge their customer service. However, in this article, I’m giving the DMV employee an alias.

“Well, some people call me ‘asshole’, but my name is John Doe,” he chuckled.

Laughing out loud, I replied, “Well, you didn’t earn that nickname today with me!”

And Then the Photo

As John was working on finishing up the paperwork, I was concentrating on getting ready for the dreaded photo. My eyes tend to look like slits as I almost always have a smile… and the DMV is okay with a smile now. I’m practicing opening my eyes slightly wider in anticipation.

Then I suddenly lose my grip on my purse, which tumbles to the floor. Bending down, I gather it up and return to a sitting position.

Ding! The flash goes off before I had a chance to prepare. The resulting photo is acceptable. Maybe I’ll get another chance in five years when I renew!

Sharing My Positive Experience

Next stop was a walk to the nearby tag office. I’m in such a good mood, the clerk comments on it.

“Yes, I’m so thrilled with North Carolina. Becoming a resident has been so easy and positive!”

“Who did you see at the DMV?” She asked.

“John Doe.”

“Really?” She exclaimed.

“I know, it was kind of unexpected, but I gave him an honest compliment and everything was easy peasy after that!”

In Conclusion

More and more, I’m seeing the truism that ‘Like produces Like’. If I feel down or expect the worst, negativity meets me at every turn.

Conversely, if I feel upbeat and expect the best, life flows easily and obstacles seem to peel off as I walk my path.

I Support You Dear Friend

I support you dear friend. Doesn’t that feel comforting? Indeed, it is comforting both for the recipient and the person giving support.

Why Does This Feel So Good?

As I’ve mentioned before, energy is everywhere. It exists in all living things, Furthermore, energy is the basis of non-living things; rocks, the air we breathe, furniture… everything. Basic chemistry explains the movement of electrons around the nucleus of atoms.

Like the atom, energy has positive and negative aspects. Within living and non-living things, there is a state of equality. Otherwise, the atoms become agitated and start breaking up. Conversely, it’s the state of salt changing when you place it in water. Although it appears to disappear, tasting the water proves it is still there.

What Happened to the Salt?

The state of the salt changed because it separated into its positive and negative components, Sodium (Na+) & Chloride (Cl-), The same type of separation occurs when you dissolve sugar in water. Below is an illustration of how these very small pieces can move across a semipermeable layer. Movement across a layerThink of how a net outside the Great Barrier Reef allows small fish to pass through, while keeping the beaches safe from Great White Shark attacks.

Where Were We?

How do these science examples explain the positive feeling of “I support you, dear friend”?

In the world of energy, my positive feeling of support spread out across the Universe, reaching your energy field. The effect was boosting the volume of positive vibes. The difference between this and the science analogy is I didn’t lose any joy (positive energy) when I sent it to you. Rather it multiplied for me too.

Let’s Try This Together

Although it is great to support others, I’m going to invite you to start with yourself.

  • Sit in a comfortable position where you feel safe
  • Gently close your eyes
  • Slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth
  • Say, “I support you dear (your name)”
  • Feel the positive energy
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat

Three Tips to Imagine the Best World

These three tips to imagine the best world will raise your energy, bringing you closer to your life fulfillment.

Three Tips to Imagine the Best World

  1. Listen and watch the original 1971 video for John Lennon’s, Imagine
  2. Read the lyrics to Imagine
  3. Open your heart

Imagine Synchronicity

Imagine by John Lennon kept entering my space this week. First, there was the song on my favorite SiriusXM Channel, The Bridge, while I was on my stationary bike.

Florida Imagine TagThen, I kept seeing the specialty Florida license tag shown here. I have this tag, but I rarely notice my own tag.

Finally, I clicked on an email from Thrift Books and there it was again. Only this time it was a blog all about John Lennon and the books written about the different periods of his life.

John Lennon was born on October 9 eighty years ago. The song, Imagine, came out in October 1971 when I was just starting college, 49 years ago.

What If?

At the time Imagine was released, the Vietnam War still raged and the world seemed out of control. That sounds a lot like today, different scenarios, similar energy.

What if each person who read this blog took three long breaths, sat in the moment and sent out an intention of love?

What if each of them sent a link to this blog to ten of their friends who read the blog, took three long breaths, sat in the moment and sent out an intention of love?

And so on… Love would fill the lives of each person, touched by this song. Imagine…

An Invitation

I invite you to send a link of this article to ten of your friends. Let’s see what beauty comes from it!

With Love in My Heart,