Let Your Light Shine Forth

Let your light shine forth, dispelling the darkness of winter. There is much to learn from our dark side, but don’t we still want the light to reign?

December Can be Difficult

There is a dash to buy gifts, mail holiday cards, maintain inclusiveness, and exhibit a perfect attitude. Add in all those unfortunate birthdays, and it’s a bit too much.

How do you think you can make your life less hectic?

I’ve chosen to concentrate on what truly brings me joy. For example, I considered putting up the Christmas tree but then decided I wanted light, not the hassle of a decorated tree.

The alternative to a tree was more greenery inside and LED candles in my windows. It reminds me of my summer visits to Sweden, where I saw this tradition in practice. As Sweden is quite far north, the hours of daylight in the winter are few. So lights in the windows are cheerful and welcoming, lighting the way home.

Furthermore, I concentrated my decorations in my dining room. Christmas cards are a favorite activity for me. It allows me to check in with people I care about but don’t communicate with regularly. Since my birthday is in December, I place those cards next to the holiday cards. Sitting at the table, I light my Advent Wreath, enjoy the birds at my feeders, and feel the love radiating from the wishes of loved ones.

What About Your Internal Light?

Brightening the world with your bright white internal light is a great way to elevate your mood and the mood of others.

But how do you achieve this? It takes work, understanding yourself, contemplation, meditation, grounding, and dispelling the fear of knowing who you are.

I have found help from books, other lightworkers, and practice. Meditation helps me calm my inner critical voice. Reiki helps me learn how to move energy throughout my physical body. Journaling opens the door to my intuition.

Make a List of Your Spiritual Gifts

My friend and one of my spiritual helpers, Mary Toland Shaw, asked me to make this list. At first, I felt confused, but then I realized it was anything that filled my heart with joy.

  • Writing this blog
  • Smiling for no particular reason
  • Buying myself flowers
  • Talking to friends and family
  • Watching the birds at my feeders
  • Wearing bright colors

Here is a perfect example. I was in my local grocery store when my aunt called. As we conversed, I picked a bouquet and added it to my cart. Then as I neared the dairy section, a man I’d never seen before smiled at me and said, “Ever since you picked up those flowers, you’ve had this big smile on your face!”

We laughed and went on our separate missions to complete the shopping. Since it was my birthday, I picked out my free ice cream.

I wasn’t trying to be joyful. Instead, the circumstances allowed my inner white light to shine. But I made a conscious choice to create my environment.

Won’t you find ways to let your light shine forth? You will benefit. The people near you will benefit. And the ripple effect will make the world a brighter, happier place.

With love and compassion,

Stand Tall in Your Light

Be brave. Stand tall in your light. Pull yourself toward the sun and blossom like a yellow flower in a field of white flowers.

Stand Tall in Your Light

Everyone sends out and receives energy. Choose to find what lights you up and let it shine.

It takes effort to recognize your talent. In addition, you may need to overcome some realities of life.

  • Deep hurts from childhood
  • Understanding yourself
  • Physical limitations
  • Energy blockages

You can follow many paths to help you stand tall in your light. Some people try traditional routes. However, they may also find non-traditional ways for deep healing more successful. For example, I successfully used acupuncture and reiki to overcome physical limitations. Western medicine is excellent for responding to emergencies and some diseases. Yet, only reiki could soothe the pain of my husband’s cancer until the experienced hand of a surgeon removed the tumor.

Deep Hurts from Childhood

I have experienced healing by seeking traditional counseling. However, it was interesting how often I heard the suggestion of journaling to open my internal channel to find the root cause of mental anguish.

Listening to my intuition, the knowing I felt in my body, brought me to personal coaches, astrologers, the System of Reiki, writing retreats, shamanic healers, and many more.

The most important thought here is to keep trying until you find the necessary process to heal the deep scars. Perhaps it is as simple as knowing how to search for your helpers. Download my free guide to get you started.

Understand Yourself

Another realization for me is to take it slow. My default is to juggle multiple projects at one time. So I pulled back my days volunteering from two days to one. Soaring gas prices gave me another reason to reconsider the necessity for multiple trips into town. And I’m following suit on this blog, taking three times as long to finish it.

This understanding of myself has been a deeply personal process. Yet, we all need to understand ourselves better. My article about using ‘tried and true’ methods includes links to online personality tests that cracked open the window into my way of being. But recently, I found a unique questionnaire that helps me understand my conative self (how I do things). It’s from Kolbe Corp. When you know how you get things done, it’s much easier to set and accomplish goals in your work and personal life.

Physical Limitations

There are many ways we may feel physically limited. For example, perhaps you live in the desert Southwest but long to live near a beach. Can you change your location? Perhaps not. But you can make small changes that bring you closer to the beach you dream of through posters of a beach. By meditating on this scene, your energy can change, opening up an opportunity to move nearer to the beach.

Although we may feel physically challenged by our bodies, our minds are unfettered, free to imagine a world of limitless possibility. Moreover, it costs nothing and is always available.

Energy Blockages

Energy is in everything. It is limitless, at least to our capacity to understand.

The energy in a hug from a loved one is easy to feel. Notice changes in your body when you receive a hug. Since this feeling doesn’t have a linear component, it is possible to feel the energy in a memory. Try it right now. Close your eyes and imagine the person to whom you feel closest. Are you experiencing their loving care in this memory?

Making real change is a slow process. Many layers of hurt may absorb the earth’s and sky’s beautiful energy. Find a practice that resonates with you; walking barefoot on the earth, performing gentle yoga stretches, or simply taking deep breaths down into your belly. Daily returning to our natural grounding practice can result in a positive change. Soon, you will stand tall in your light effortlessly.

How Positivity Works

How positivity works is the theme today. Do you even believe that.. a little? I’m going to give you a real life example.

The Area of Health

This is a big one for me right now. Although I’ve needed knee replacement surgery for decades, I wasn’t ready until late last year. Here I am in a new state, didn’t know anyone before I moved here and I’m having major surgery.

Positivity Helps Make Difficult Decisions

When I made the discovery appointment with Dr. Benjamin Parker, I knew the time was now. Everyone from the intern to reception commented on my positive attitude.

Thirty one days later, my neighbor dropped me off at the ER entrance at 5:30 am. I’m positively giddy with excitement. I banter with everyone; the person doing the COVID checks, the admission lady, and the nurse in the surgery prep waiting room.

A Positive Attitude is Catching

Since I had my cell phone, I took a before picture of my legs in pre-op. Everyone is in a good mood. Why is that? Part of it is my good mood. Energy is like that. Good vibes spread out in ripples and anyone who is open to my energy gets a little boost.

I noticed the clock… 6:45 am just before the nurse anesthetist administers my anesthesia. Next thing I know, it’s 10:37 am. I’m in exactly the same location only now I have a new knee. And I am still in a marvelous dream state. The smile on my face is just as broad as it was at 6:45 am. The surgery went well, everyone’s happy.

Requests are Met With Joy

Soon I’m in my room, various medical personnel filtering in and out, asking if I need anything. Coffee… that would be nice. Poof! A warm cup of Joe with creamer is in my hand. Even lunch was tasty. Wouldn’t another cup of coffee be nice?

‘Could I have a cup of coffee?’

‘Here you go.’

After lunch Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy arrive.

‘How about a little walk?’


The plan is a quick education on using a walker. Then a short walk to the door of my room. In contrast, I’m ready for more.

‘How about we go to the hand sanitizer next to the room across the hall?’

The experience of walking on an new knee was other-worldly. It was like a big cloud sponge under my right foot.

I gently sit down in the chair next to my bed. It’s 2:22 pm.

‘How far do you think I walked?’

‘About 40 feet.’

I celebrate with a fist pump!

Obstacles Disappear

My doctor decided I should stay over in the hospital one night for observation because the only person at home is my 93-year-old mother.

There’s one more little reason… I need to learn how to navigate stairs.

The stairwell is right next to my room. Up with the good foot. Down with the surgery foot. It was a piece of cake. Of course, the PT and OT girls have this big belt around my chest for safety and I was so thankful I’ve been exercising with a trainer for over 3 years prior. My arm strength came in real handy.

Positivity is Easy to Maintain

Here it is almost 3 weeks since surgery and I’m just as excited with each new challenge. My range of motion exercises progressed quickly, achieving my 4-week goal at 2 weeks. Now I’ve graduated to strengthening exercises because I’ve passed the knee flexibility test.

Some Parting Wisdom

All this positivity didn’t come overnight. It helps that I’m naturally a positive person. Even so, I practice mindful meditation daily with Ten Percent Happier. Furthermore, I include a Loving Kindness meditation each night before sleep.

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