A Return to the Tried and True

Return to the tried and true

How often have you made a return to the tried and true? And why do we quit these habits in the first place?

Define Tried and True

That’s easy. We’ve done it before (Tried). Furthermore, we know it works (True).

So Why Do We Quit?

It’s really about creating habits versus the unrelenting search for something better.

If you like variety in life, like I do, it’s easy to chase after the new, shiny, 24 carat gold bangle when it drops right in front of you. There’s nothing wrong with that.  Yet, the shiny objects can live in peace next to the comfortable earrings we reach for almost everyday.

How Do We Restart?

  • Slow down.
  • Listen to your intuition.
  • Live in the moment.
  • Look for the joy.

First, we are all very different. Understanding yourself goes a long way toward being successful in your return to the tried and true. How do you start to understand your personality? One of my favorite ways is Clifton Strengths. This is not a free assessment, but well worth the price. If you are more into free, the TypeFinder Personality Test website also links to Enneagram Types.

A Real Life Example

Are you wondering why I have the photo of my bookcase? It’s how I managed to return to my tried and true method for self discovery, Morning Pages. If you look closely, you’ll see the original Artist’s Way book by Julia Cameron on the bottom shelf. Yet, that wasn’t how I started Morning Pages again. Rather, it was seeing the beautiful spine of the journal I pulled out of the many journals on the top row. Royal Botanic Garden SydneyThis journal is important to me. I bought it at the gift shop of the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney, Australia after I completed my Shoden, Reiki Level One at the International House of Reiki in the Blue Mountains.

For something seemingly unrelated, I’ve been watching Rake, an Australian series on Acorn TV, set in Sydney. It brought back beautiful Sydney memories.

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