Taking Action is the Next Step

Taking action is the next step. Yet how do you know when it’s time for action?

Some Signs to Take Action


Does resistance often rear its ugly head in your life? Even though you know in your gut you want something different, there is an obstacle blocking you.

Perhaps it takes form as:

  • avoidance
  • distraction
  • self-doubt

Let’s delve a little further.

Recognition that Action is Needed

A good friend has been encouraging me to help her with writing for months. She had already taken her own first step by launching a newsletter.

When I read the newsletter welcome email, my natural inclination to help led me to make an edit suggestion. The author was overjoyed.

Then she requested help with her website copy. There was one stipulation. I must give her a way to pay for my help.

Whoa! Suddenly, this specific request felt different in my body. My chest felt lighter and I knew, taking action is the next step.

Let’s recap what happened.

  1. My natural desire to help led me to speak up
  2. The recipient’s acceptance led to a request
  3. My self-doubt was replaced by a lightness in my body
  4. The physical change led to taking action

Expand on the First Action

The framework to launch this new method of energy exchange was already in place. Yes, the exchange of coin is simply a different way to identify energy movement.

Now I have a clearer understanding of how I can help like-minded, spiritually based light workers. Often, we all need another pair of eyes with a fresh perspective. In a different way, this need can manifest as an opportunity to talk, unload, in an atmosphere of compassion without judgement.

My Offer to You

As a licensed health coach and published author, I offer my experience, compassion, and willingness to help in an atmosphere of openness. I’ve created a special place for this collaboration to give birth to a happier, more fulfilled you. A New World Dawning awaits your next step.

Moving On Can Feel Unsettling

Moving on can feel unsettling. I was feeling I’m going to miss this view of the lake… Ahhhh. Emotion, holding onto the past.

A lot of my life was spent on lakes and lakeshores. Time with family, time when I felt connected, also a lot of unhealthy connections. In contrast, the mountains of North Carolina will give me the stability I need and desire to grow and prosper. I can let go of the emotional tie to water, to home, to my father. Especially to father because he grew up near here from birth to the age of ten, exploring the swamp and palmetto stands, barefoot with his protector, a dog named Dolly.

After the family grove froze, they found higher ground on the shore of Lake Crystal where he lived 50 years. It is also where I grew up, exploring the yard, grove and swamp on the edge of that lake. There are memories of him in North Carolina too. Mountains of Saguache County And certainly with mountains. The mountains of Saquache County, Colorado. Those memories are about broadening horizons, fire in creating tools, moving forward, hiking, and accomplishment.

Although moving on can feel unsettling, we can choose to find new, inspiring ways to bring the memories of the past into our present. Kayaking on the New RiverExploring the New River on a sit-on-top kayak is one way I’ll enjoy the water in a healthy, moving forward fashion. Exploring this oldest river brings me a tangible connection between my own past and the new life I now enjoy.

Finally, balance in my life, with the three elements of Fire, Water, and now Earth.

Mountains have always filled my heart with wonder – the view of Mt. Evans in Colorado and now the view of Mt. Jefferson in North Carolina.

Although moving on can feel unsettling, it is necessary for true growth.

May your life’s unsettling moments show you the life path you are meant to follow with infinite love, trust, and gratitude.

Truly, a new world dawning begins in your heart today.

When the Soul Speaks – Listen

When the Soul Speaks – listen. Our souls speak to us everyday, but most of us don’t hear it. We dismiss all the information we receive, even if it’s screaming at us.

The photo above is three of us ‘girls’ at the 50th high school reunion check-in table. Certainly, it is common to wear black to any function. It is instantly elegant, most people look good in it, and it makes us appear thinner, right?

Usually, I opt for bright colors, but this time I chose black and white. Although the pattern is certainly flame-like. This is a hint of my Sagittarius self, one of the fire signs. Did my soul know this perfect picture was coming later when I plucked this blouse from the hanger? I think, “Yes!”

Likewise, my soul was adamant that I stay out with the name tags until there were no more arrivals.  This time, when the soul speaks – listen was heeded. Eventually, I had to go into the crowded, noisy room full of people I thought I needed to see.

All the energy of the room felt like I was walking through a curtain of kelp on the ocean floor, intent on finding a safe spot where I could observe rather than feel boxed in.

You can see in this picture, I found that safe spot at the back of the room. Furthermore, two people I didn’t know were at the table. Perfect!

Now, step back, squint your eyes a little. What do you notice?

Yes, it’s the perfect yin yang symbol setup behind me with my blouse a sort of portable yin  yang statement, anchoring the photo.  Here’s a funny ‘behind-the-scenes’ fact. I had just finished eating a fabulous healthy green salad, southern green beans, and the best tenderloin steak ever from The Catering Company of Central Florida . As my friend, Larry, snapped the photo, I could just imagine all the green stuff in my teeth and gums. Therefore, my smile is very much subdued… for me.