An End of Year Review

An end of year review

Do you engage in an end of year review? I have been enjoying this exercise with Connie Chapman for three years. She still has space for her Release and Rebirth online class if you want to work with her at your end of the year review.

What Did I Learn About My 2021

As I filled out Connie’s workbook on reviewing my key experiences and turning points, I was amazed how much I accomplished this past year in regards to my growth as a human being and pursuing my life purpose. In typical fashion, I began a list by the people with Spiritual businesses who helped me along the way.

Do you give yourself enough credit for your accomplishments?

If you don’t know, I invite you to consider what you accomplished in 2021. Review your journals, calendar, emails or any other place you record daily information. It’s a great start to understanding the last 12 months of your experience.

Giving Credit to All My Helpers

My year of transformation started by working with Alma Gonzalez in a 1:1 container. She and I checked in daily for six weeks. This experience opened the door for what was to come. You can get to know Alma on her YouTube channel.

The next two healers contributed to my positive change in tandem. One month I would have a house clearing, reading,  or personal shamanic healing with Meredith Johnson, The Healing Hummingbird, LLC. Meredith also hosted weekly free readings on Facebook and YouTube.

The next month, I worked with Miggy Rodriquez Soul Realignment Readings at Infinite Flow Healing LLC. Miggy also offered a series of Zoom classes on understanding my own energy system in her Energy Mastery series. She is currently working on offering this class in 2022.

Working back and forth with Miggy and Meredith was astounding.

How Do I Know What I Need?

I’ve composed a free download that guides you through choosing your own Spiritual Healers. I hope you find this information helpful.

Wishing you the Happiest New Year!

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