The Dark Before Dawn

the dark before dawn

I’ve come to appreciate the dark before dawn. It’s a place of rest in anticipation of the beauty to come. And the more clouds, the more spectacular the display.

The Dark Before Dawn

In life, you might experience something similar, a hurt from childhood that continues to haunt your soul, preventing you from thriving. It is your dark before dawn of realizing the beautiful person you are.

It has been my experience that everyone has something or someone in their young life who wounded them. Usually, it is a person you love or admire; a parent, sibling, grandparent, teacher, or authority figure.

Although it could be a single occurrence, it’s more likely habitual. You’ve heard the painful words many times, in many different ways.

At first, your child self was shocked. Then you started to believe you deserved the criticism. Perhaps you retreated within and tried to hide in hopes you wouldn’t be noticed. Alternatively, you worked hard to be the perfect child to win your tormentor’s love and affection.

None of these tactics worked. You couldn’t escape until you were old enough to get away. By then, their words became your internal words. You convinced yourself they were right.

“I’ll never be good enough.”

You Can Still Heal

You can heal the wound regardless of how long you have felt undeserving.

My wounds were deep and pervasive. It has taken hard work to dig up the truth and hurt. It’s painful. But once you see the source of your anguish and bring it into the light of day, you can destroy it.

The words that hurt you were their words, sourced out of their childhood pain. It is in your power to stop the cycle.

Once you deeply understand this, forgiveness is possible.

Accept Help from Healers

It would help if you had help and support with this work. Healers are available in many ways; therapists, shamans, life coaches, counselors, and reiki practitioners.

Ask for help from your Spiritual Guidance through prayer, meditation, or another ritual meaningful to you. If you are unsure how to start, use this guide to begin the process of uncovering the root cause of your unhappiness.

You Hold the Key to Happiness

Slowly, taking this process one step at a time, you will dispel the dark before dawn and open the gate to a beautiful life you design. Then, like a well-tended garden, you can live a life radiant with sweet-scented encounters and realize your dreams.

You are more than good enough.

You deserve the extraordinary life of the promise your birth bestowed.

With loving tenderness,

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4 thoughts on “The Dark Before Dawn”

  1. Sometimes those slights in our life help us to become better people. I can think of a few times in my life that changed me for better, and some that helped me become the stubborn pita now standing before you!

    1. Hi Larry! Thanks for sharing your personal insights. I’m always grateful for your humourous outlook! Love, Dawn

  2. Great article! I was open to allowing healers to help me with the childhood trauma I experienced. It was life changing!

    1. Thank you, Connie, for sharing your personal experience. Many will benefit from your vulnerability. Sending you tenderness, Dawn

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