A Message About Patience

Egret a message about patience

As I sat on my second story deck, enjoying my first cup of coffee, I noticed a Great Egret perched on an old piling near the edge of the dock. He remained within my view, for over an hour as he patiently performed his morning ritual. This bird’s message about patience affected my entire day.

Nature is the Delivery System

I’ve always felt close to nature, enjoyed her beauty and found serenity in all aspects. It’s not surprising I find messages in the form of animals all the time. In the past I Googled “the spiritual meaning of…” and excitedly looked for the explanation that sounded accurate. Now I simply ponder what it means to me and the answer is there, in my thoughts.

Today the Message is PATIENCE

Why patience? Watching the egret this morning, I felt drawn to his behavior. He peered into the water at times, occasionally he stretched his long white neck until it was completely straight. The early morning sun illuminated his chest, neck, head and yellow bill. He seemed to stretch as if to gather more of the sun’s energy. Then he returned to his primary goal, catching his breakfast.

I found I needed patience throughout the day, more easily found through my message received from the egret.

Here are some of the events of the day that required patience.

  • The air conditioner wasn’t working properly when I got out of bed
  • My trainer was running late
  • I had little time left to get ready for another appointment
  • The usual traffic impediments
  • When I found a store associate, my desired items were at the furthest point away from me
  • The stoplight misfired adding to my time at the intersection

Here are some events that were gifts of my patience.

  • The air conditioner worked after installation of a new filter
  • I arrived 5 minutes early for my appointment
  • The appointment was on time and lasted a mere 15 minutes
  • I easily found a shaded parking space
  • Waiting at the stoplight gave me time for contemplation
  • My energy was positive all day

Patience and Living in the Moment

By focusing on practicing patience, I naturally lived in the moment. I felt no anger, whose source is past hurt. I felt no fear, whose source is the future. There was only peace in my body, mind, and soul. The Great Egret’s message about patience gave me a beautiful day and the promise of more beautiful days found through living in the moment.

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