My second COVID-19 experience taught me a lot about how fear can be overcome with information and taking action.
Almost two years ago, I contracted COVID-19 when a woman sat in the empty seat next to me during a European cruise. A few days later, on a Sunday, I was staying with my nephew in Prague when he brought me the test kit. Although I was confirmed sick, I didn’t feel that bad and walked to a nearby park daily, keeping my distance from everyone. My nephew did not come down with COVID-19.
By Thursday, I was on my way home to North Carolina, masked and coughing up a storm. I felt terrible about being in public but felt I had no alternative. Once I landed, someone helped me find my car in the airport parking lot. Confusion and COVID are clearly linked in my experience. It was a long two hours before I sank into my bed.
Disclaimer: This story is for informational purposes only. Consult your local medical authority for advice.
The Beginning
I started writing this post on day 10 of my second Covid-19 experience. It began like the first time: with a sore throat. But I thought it was a cold and didn’t test myself until the third day of symptoms, a Saturday. I admit I felt a bit panicked, along with the mental confusion I attribute to the virus. Without anyone to immediately turn to, it’s scary knowing you are ill. My mind focused on a litany of what-ifs.
Then, a reminder about my massage on Monday popped up. Now, I had a focus.
I started letting the arrangers of all my future appointments know I had to cancel or reschedule. Also, the impending wintry weather canceled many of my appointments.
Looking for Sympathy First
Next, I texted my family, who were far away. They couldn’t help. Later, I realized I just wanted someone to feel sorry for me.
I’m always researching on the Internet and know how to identify sound medical advice. I easily found a checklist of what to do. But did it apply to my circumstances? On Sunday, I turned to life-long friends who were medical professionals. The person I placed the most hope in texted, “Stay home and rest. Happy New Year.” That level of concern felt like a kick in the gut. But it also helped me consider other types of help.
My Spiritual Friends and Community
As usual, I enjoy quiet time early each morning for meditation and prayer. During this peaceful time on Monday morning, I heard “Reiki.” Several of my friends are Reiki practitioners, as am I.
I started texting or emailing all these spiritual friends, asking for their healing and prayers. They responded by sending me Reiki and praying for my return to health. Since I’m a church member, I asked to have my name placed on my church’s prayer list. All these actions reminded me to administer self-Reiki at bedtime. By Tuesday, I felt markedly better.
And Another Type of Help
My testing kit didn’t have clear directions, so I Googled how to perform a self-test. A helpful YouTube video showed me how to administer the test, and immediately afterward, the video below began.
Abraham, a Pharmacist in England, created this video in November 2021. I found it extremely useful. My favorite part is the Google spreadsheet he shares in the informational section below the video.
First, I created a blank spreadsheet for the next time I get sick. Then, I started tracking my symptoms on a new spreadsheet. I also added a column to note if I could smell, often interpreted as the ability to taste. Since I’m a huge record keeper, I already had a note on my phone tracking my temperature.
I Checked with My Doctor, Too
I felt very good about the information I had found. But before considering sharing this, I left a message with my doctor to verify a few things. They agreed with my friend’s “Stay home and rest” message. They stressed that shortness of breath is the most important symptom that suggests a need for immediate medical intervention. But they also suggested that since I wasn’t experiencing any lung problems, it was okay to go out with a mask starting on the sixth day.
How am I Feeling Now?
Today is two weeks after my first symptoms. I have an occasional cough, and I’m somewhat tired. The confusion comes and goes.
During my morning meditation, I found some thoughts crystal clear. That gives me hope that, eventually, the fog will lift completely. I have to laugh as I read the last sentence. At my age, a little fog may always linger.
Life is Full of Ups and Downs
Some might think I’m angry about the two people who exposed me to the flu. You would be correct. And I was able to acknowledge that anger easily. However, there were some other circumstances in my past where anger wasn’t allowed.
I’m starting to read Rage Becomes Her by Soraya Chemaly, a book that might help me understand my feelings of anger. In a future post, I’ll share how this book affects my ability to deal with anger.
Disclaimer: This story, My Second Covid-19 Experience, is for informational purposes only. Consult your local medical authority for advice.